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What is ESG Reporting?

Written by Reggie Rusan | Aug 16, 2024 6:13:16 AM

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) are three important areas that show how a company is doing in terms of being responsible and ethical. ESG reporting means sharing information about these areas to show a company's commitment to good practices.

This is important because it helps people see that the company cares about the environment, treats people well, and runs its business honestly. Investors, customers, and others are more likely to support companies that are transparent and responsible.

This article will explain what ESG reporting is and why it is important for you and your company. It will also talk about how you can use new tools to make ESG reporting easier and more effective. By understanding these ideas, you and your company can improve your ESG efforts and show that you are committed to doing the right thing.

Understanding the ESG Reporting Process and Its Evolution

ESG reporting has changed a lot over the years. It started as a small part of company reports, mainly focusing on environmental efforts and community support. Now, it includes a wide range of activities like climate action, energy management, workforce diversity, and corporate governance.

Investor demand has driven this change. Investors use ESG data to make decisions about risks and opportunities. New regulations also require companies to provide more detailed and standardized ESG reports. Increased public awareness and consumer demands push businesses to show their role in sustainable development.

The ESG reporting process involves collecting data on environmental, social, and governance activities, analyzing this data, and presenting it clearly and transparently. Companies now need to integrate ESG concerns into their core strategies and operations.

Low-code platforms help by making it easier to collect and report ESG data. These tools help create a clear and honest ESG report, building trust with stakeholders.

ESG reporting is becoming a key part of business strategy, reflecting the growing importance of sustainability and accountability.

Best Practices for Effective ESG Reporting with Low-Code Solutions

Effective ESG reporting requires high-quality information, but the increasing scope can make this a complex task. Low-code solutions simplify the collection and management of ESG data. To maximize these platforms, certain best practices should be followed:

  • Establish clear ESG objectives and metrics by determining the environmental, social, and governance areas that are most important to your company and stakeholders. Set measurable goals and identify key metrics to track performance to ensure your reporting is focused and relevant.

  • Automate data collection and verification using low-code solutions to gather ESG data from various systems and sources. This automation ensures accuracy and consistency, reducing manual errors and saving time.

  • Integrate ESG reporting with your overall business strategy to ensure that ESG initiatives are not separate from your main business objectives. This unified approach helps align ESG goals with business goals.

  • Leverage real-time reporting capabilities offered by low-code platforms. This allows you to provide timely ESG reports and enables quick responses to stakeholder inquiries or market demands.

  • Stay compliant with evolving ESG standards and regulations by using the flexibility of low-code systems to adapt to new guidelines and requirements. This ensures your reporting remains relevant and compliant with current regulations.

Effective ESG reporting is about transparency and reliability. Low-code solutions enhance these qualities by integrating with existing systems and building a strong ESG framework. To know more, check out HOW TO DO ESG REPORTING RIGHT (AND HOW LOW CODE HELPS IN THIS).

Key Metrics in ESG Reporting: What to Track and Why

Metrics and data points form the backbone of any ESG report. They provide evidence of a company's performance against its sustainability goals. Selecting the right metrics to track is crucial for meaningful ESG reporting. For ESG reporting to be impactful, metrics must be relevant, comparable, and material to the business.

Here are key metrics to consider:

  • Environmental Metrics: These include energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and waste management. Tracking these metrics is important as investors and regulators increasingly scrutinize environmental impacts.

  • Social Metrics: Metrics such as employee turnover, diversity and inclusion, community engagement, and customer satisfaction are important for understanding a company's social impact.

  • Governance Metrics: These include board composition, executive compensation, business ethics, and regulatory compliance. These metrics help assess how a company is governed and identify potential risks.

Each metric should align with the broader ESG strategy and reflect company values. To learn more, check out A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO THE KEY METRICS TRACKED IN ESG REPORTING. Low-code platforms simplify measuring and tracking these metrics with customizable dashboards and automated reporting, ensuring transparency and building trust.

Streamlining ESG Reporting with Low-Code Platforms

Leveraging technology to enhance ESG reporting can yield significant benefits, and among the technological advancements, low-code platforms stand out. These platforms provide tools to design, develop, and deploy applications quickly with minimal coding, making them an optimal choice for organizations seeking to streamline their ESG reporting processes.

Here are several key advantages of using low-code platforms for ESG reporting:

  • Simplicity and Speed: Low-code platforms are user-friendly and significantly reduce the development time for ESG reporting tools, allowing non-technical staff to create and modify applications as needed.

  • Flexibility: These platforms are adaptable to changing ESG frameworks and can be quickly adjusted to accommodate new data requirements or reporting standards.

  • Integration Capabilities: Low-code platforms can seamlessly integrate with existing systems to pull in relevant data, enabling a centralized view of ESG metrics across various departments.

  • Automation: With the automation features of low-code platforms, companies can ensure consistent and error-free data collection, which is a fundamental aspect of reliable ESG reporting.

By integrating low-code platforms into ESG reporting processes, companies can enhance reporting efficiency while maintaining the integrity of their data. This results in reports that are not just comprehensive, but also actionable, providing insights that drive positive change and deliver value to the company and its stakeholders.

Such enhanced reporting strengthens an organization’s market position and demonstrates a genuine commitment to ESG standards. By simplifying and automating the reporting process, companies can focus on analyzing data and making informed decisions that support their sustainability goals.

Top Low-Code Platforms for ESG Reporting: A Review

With the growing role of ESG reporting in corporate strategy, low-code platforms are becoming essential for their ease of use and effectiveness. Mendix is known for its simple interface and easy system integration, helping create custom ESG reporting workflows.

OutSystems offers strong analytics features for clear ESG data visualization and analysis. Microsoft Power Apps focuses on collaboration tools for different departments to work together on ESG reporting.

eSystems stands out for its customizable dashboards, real-time data integration, and user-friendly design, making ESG reporting easy and compliant with standards. These platforms generally help businesses by automating data collection, ensuring accuracy, and simplifying the reporting process.

Low-code platforms enhance the efficiency of ESG reporting by providing tools that streamline data management and reporting. This allows companies to focus more on their ESG strategies and less on the technical aspects, ultimately improving transparency and accountability.

Enhancing Business Performance Through Low-Code ESG Reporting

Integrating ESG reporting into business operations is more than just following rules; it's a way to improve business performance. Using low-code solutions for ESG reporting can make the process easier and also benefit the business in many ways.

  • Saving Time and Resources: Low-code platforms make it simple to collect data and create reports, reducing the time and effort needed for ESG reporting. This frees up resources for other important tasks.

  • Better Decisions: Having accurate ESG data readily available helps managers make better decisions, leading to improved sustainability and cost savings.

  • Building Trust: Regular and clear ESG reports build trust with customers, investors, and other stakeholders, improving relationships.

  • Staying Competitive: Companies that report their ESG performance well can stand out in the market, which increasingly values sustainability, giving them an advantage over competitors.

Low-code ESG reporting not only helps improve current performance but also supports future growth. It provides valuable insights for making improvements and innovating sustainably.

Using low-code platforms for ESG reporting helps make sustainability a core part of the company culture, promoting long-term responsibility and success. This blend of technology and transparency helps businesses build a strong foundation for lasting success.

The future of ESG reporting is changing quickly due to new technologies, stakeholder demands, and regulatory updates.

Here are some key trends and innovations likely to shape ESG reporting in the coming years:

  • Advanced Analytics and AI: Companies will use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to analyze ESG data more deeply and predict future trends. This will help in making better decisions based on ESG information.

  • Blockchain for Transparency: Blockchain technology can provide secure and unchangeable records of ESG data. This will increase trust in the accuracy of the reported information.

  • Real-Time ESG Reporting: Technological advancements will allow for real-time reporting, giving stakeholders up-to-date information on a company’s ESG performance.

  • Personalized Stakeholder Reporting: Companies will use interactive platforms to create customized ESG reports for different stakeholders, focusing on their specific interests.

  • Regulatory Standardization: As ESG reporting becomes more common, we may see standardized frameworks for what and how companies should report ESG information. This could lead to universal reporting rules or mandatory disclosures.

Adopting these trends requires not only using technology like low-code platforms but also fostering a culture of continuous innovation in sustainability reporting within organizations.

By keeping up with these emerging trends, businesses can not only meet current ESG demands but also be ready for future changes in ESG reporting.

Evaluating the Environmental Impact of Low-Code Platforms for ESG Reporting

While low-code platforms make ESG reporting easier, it's important to consider their environmental impact. Being responsible means looking at how these technologies affect the environment.

Low-code platforms are mostly cloud-based, which can be more energy-efficient than traditional on-site solutions, leading to a smaller carbon footprint. But we also need to think about other factors, like the hardware lifecycle and the efficiency of data centers.

Here are some steps platform providers are taking to be more environmentally friendly:

  • Using Renewable Energy: Many data centers are powered by renewable energy sources like wind or solar power.

  • Optimizing Software: Providers are making their software more efficient, which means it needs less computational power and uses less energy.

  • Reducing Electronic Waste: Some companies recycle and reduce waste from old server hardware.

These efforts show that technology providers are aware of their environmental responsibilities. Businesses using low-code platforms should choose providers that care about sustainability. This way, their ESG reporting tools match their environmental values.

In ESG reporting, it's not just about the data we collect but also about how we collect and process it. The environmental impact of low-code platforms is an important part of this discussion.

Overview of Major ESG Reporting Frameworks: GRI, SASB, and TCFD

A key part of ESG reporting is using standardized frameworks that help organizations share important information in a clear and consistent way.

Here are three important frameworks that guide how businesses report their ESG activities:

  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): GRI is one of the first and most popular frameworks for sustainability reporting. It provides detailed guidelines for reporting on economic, environmental, and social impacts.

  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB): SASB focuses on sharing sustainability information that is important for financial reasons. It has specific standards for different industries to help companies report on the ESG issues that matter most to investors.

  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD): TCFD helps companies provide better information about climate-related financial risks. This information helps investors, lenders, and insurance companies make informed decisions.

Each of these frameworks has a different focus but all aim to improve the quality of ESG reporting. Low-code platforms can help companies follow these frameworks by allowing easy customization of reporting tools to meet the required standards.

Using these frameworks makes ESG reports more trustworthy and helps build confidence among investors, regulators, and the public.


ESG reporting is important for showing a company's commitment to sustainability and building trust with others. As ESG reporting has become more important, it now plays a key role in a company's long-term success. Using low-code platforms has made ESG reporting easier and more accurate, allowing companies to provide up-to-date, reliable information that supports their sustainability efforts.

In the future, ESG reporting will keep changing due to new technologies, higher expectations from stakeholders, and new global rules. By using tools like low-code platforms, businesses can stay ahead of these changes and be more transparent and sustainable. This not only meets today's needs but also helps create a better and fairer future.

About eSystems

At eSystems, we specialize in low-code solutions designed to streamline ESG reporting, improve data integration, and accelerate digital transformation for businesses.

Our platform simplifies the integration of various systems, ensuring high standards of security and compliance. By adopting eSystems' low-code technology, you can quickly develop customized, scalable applications, reducing IT dependencies and focusing on core ESG activities.

Explore our success stories to see how our low-code solutions can enhance your ESG reporting. Ready to get started? Contact us for a consultation to begin your digital transformation.


What is the journey of ESG reporting for a company?

The journey involves collecting data on environmental, social, and governance components to ensure transparency and attract investors. Public disclosure helps avoid greenwashing and boosts confidence.

How can ESG reporting provide insights to a company?

ESG reporting offers insights by collecting data on governance and social practices, which help improve accountability and compliance. Leadership uses this information to benchmark progress.

What are the benefits of ESG reporting for stakeholders?

ESG reporting benefits stakeholders by enhancing transparency and ensuring compliance with governance standards, which attracts investors and builds confidence. Public disclosure supports human rights and equity.

How does ESG reporting help a company with data collection?

ESG reporting helps a company with data collection by focusing on environmental, social, and governance components. This process supports transparency and prevents greenwashing.

Why is transparency important in the governance component of ESG reporting?

Transparency in governance ensures accountability and builds confidence among stakeholders. Public disclosure of ESG data helps prevent greenwashing and supports privacy and human rights.