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Top Features Every Hospital Management System Should Custom Develop

Written by Reggie Rusan | Jun 4, 2024 11:33:21 AM

The role of technology in healthcare is becoming more crucial than ever. It's not just about the latest medical equipment or advanced surgical procedures, but also about how hospitals manage their operations. That's where a hospital management system (HMS) comes into play.

An HMS can significantly streamline hospital operations, from patient care to administrative tasks. By integrating various functions within a single platform, it boosts operational efficiency and improves the quality of healthcare services provided.

But what makes an excellent HMS? The answer lies in its features - specifically those that are custom-developed to meet the unique needs of each healthcare provider. This article focuses on these essential custom features and explains why they're critical for any robust hospital management system.

What is a Hospital Management System (HMS)?

A hospital management system, often referred to as HMS, serves as the backbone of healthcare services. It's essentially a digital tool that helps manage all the day-to-day operations in a hospital. From patient records and appointments to billing and inventory control, an efficient hospital management system streamlines these processes for improved efficiency.

To put it simply, an HMS is like the brain of a healthcare facility. It stores critical patient data securely while ensuring this information is easily accessible when needed by authorized personnel. This can include everything from medical histories and test results to scheduled treatments and medications.

Beyond just managing patient data, effective hospital management software also takes care of administrative tasks such as staff scheduling or resource allocation within different departments in the healthcare institution.

By doing so, it allows hospitals to focus more on their primary objective - providing top-notch healthcare services while maintaining operational efficiency at its peak.

Why is Custom Development Important for a Robust Hospital Management System?

Custom development matters when it comes to catering to the unique needs and requirements of a specific healthcare organization. Off-the-shelf solutions may seem convenient, but they often fall short in addressing specific operational challenges or growth plans.

Firstly, every hospital has its own set of processes and workflows that an off-the-shelf system may not fully cater to. This is where custom HMS shines - it can be tailored precisely according to your needs, ensuring maximum efficiency.

Secondly, patient care is at the heart of any healthcare organization's mission. A custom HMS allows you to incorporate features that best serve your patients' needs while improving their overall experience.

Data management also becomes more streamlined with a custom solution. With vast amounts of sensitive patient data being handled daily by hospitals, having a system designed specifically for your data infrastructure ensures better security and easier access when needed.

Lastly, scalability should always be considered when choosing an HMS. As your healthcare organization grows over time so will its demands on software functionality increase too – this calls for a flexible solution that only custom development can provide effectively.

In conclusion, investing in a tailor-made hospital management system could lead to significant improvements in efficiency levels as well as quality service delivery across all aspects of health institutions.

The Most Important Features to Custom Develop for Hospital Management Software

1. Patient and Staff Management

What is it?

Patient management typically includes tasks such as patient registration and scheduling appointments. On the other hand, staff management often involves overseeing medical staff schedules and resource allocation to ensure smooth operations.

The automation of these processes can significantly improve efficiency within the hospital environment. For instance, automated patient registration reduces manual data entry errors while ensuring quick access to vital information when needed. Similarly, an efficient scheduling system ensures that all medical personnel are optimally utilized without being overworked.

In essence, effective patient and staff management features in a custom HMS streamline hospital operations by automating routine tasks for better efficiency.

Top Custom Development Features & Benefits of Doing Them

Custom patient scheduling systems can greatly improve patient and staff operations. These systems allow for flexible appointment setting, reducing wait times and improving patient satisfaction. By tailoring the system to your specific needs, you ensure that patients are seen promptly and efficiently.

Staff rostering and shift management is another critical feature. Custom development in this area helps manage medical staff schedules more effectively. It reduces conflicts and ensures optimal coverage at all times.

Custom development here comes with several benefits:

  • Increased efficiency: Automated processes save time for both patients and staff.

  • Reduced scheduling conflicts: Properly managed schedules mean fewer overlaps or gaps.

  • Better resource allocation: Ensuring the right number of staff members are available when needed improves overall hospital operation.

By focusing on these areas, hospitals can enhance their operational efficiency significantly while also improving patient care outcomes.

2. Clinical and Laboratory Management

What is it?

Clinical and laboratory management systems are vital parts of a hospital management system. They handle the essential tasks related to patient diagnosis, treatment planning, and tracking health outcomes. For instance, lab tests ordered by doctors are managed within this system - everything from blood work to radiology scans.

In addition to managing patient data related to clinical care, these systems also oversee pharmacy operations. This includes keeping track of medications in stock and ensuring that prescriptions are filled accurately for patients.

Overall, the goal of clinical and laboratory management within a hospital management software is to streamline medical practice procedures while enhancing the quality of healthcare services provided by medical institutions. These features contribute significantly towards improving patient care in healthcare institutions around the globe.

Top Custom Development Features & Benefits of Doing Them

Custom development can greatly improve the clinical and laboratory management aspects of a hospital management system. One such feature is custom lab test ordering and results tracking. This allows healthcare providers to easily order tests, track progress, and view results all in one place. The benefit here is improved accuracy as there's less chance for human error when everything is managed within the same system.

Another crucial feature that could be developed customly is integration with electronic health records (EHR). With this, doctors can have access to patient history at their fingertips which aids in making more informed decisions about patient care. Take a look at our case study for Synlab to learn more about this.

There are various benefits to doing this. Improved accuracy leads to faster diagnosis which then leads to better patient outcomes. By having a more streamlined process through these custom features, hospitals can ensure they're providing the best possible care for their patients while also improving efficiency in their operations.

3. Financial Management

What is it?

Financial management in a hospital setting is an essential aspect of the overall operation. It involves managing all financial transactions, from patient billing to insurance claims and accounting. The primary role of financial management within a hospital management system is to ensure that all monetary operations run smoothly and efficiently.

Patient billing includes generating invoices for services rendered, while insurance claims involve processing reimbursements from various health insurers. Accounting tasks can range from tracking expenses and revenues to budgeting and forecasting future financial needs.

In essence, the aim of effective financial management in healthcare institutions revolves around optimizing resources, reducing costs where possible, and ensuring timely payments are made or received - ultimately contributing towards improved operational efficiency.

Top Custom Development Features & Benefits of Doing Them

Managing finances in a hospital setting involves several complex processes. With custom development, you can create features that address your specific needs and streamline these tasks.

One feature to consider is a tailored billing and invoicing system. This would allow for the easy generation of bills, including itemized breakdowns for patients and insurance companies. It could also automatically apply discounts or special rates where applicable.

Another useful feature is an integrated system for managing insurance claims. This could track the status of each claim, send reminders about pending ones, and even automate certain parts of the process to reduce manual work.

The most important benefits of developing these custom features are:

  • Enhanced financial control: By automating routine tasks like generating invoices or tracking claims, you free up staff time while reducing errors.

  • Reduced errors: Automated systems minimize human error which can lead to significant cost savings over time.

  • Better compliance: Custom systems can be designed with regulatory requirements in mind ensuring that your hospital stays compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.

By investing in such features as part of your hospital management system, you're not just buying software - you're investing in improved efficiency and better patient care through more effective financial management.

4. Administrative and Support Functions

What is it?

Administrative and support functions are crucial components of a hospital management system. These functionalities aim to streamline the behind-the-scenes operations that keep a healthcare facility running smoothly. For instance, document management involves organizing, storing, and retrieving important files digitally - this could range from patient records to internal memos or procedural guidelines.

Another key feature under administrative functions is the helpdesk. This serves as a central point for addressing technical issues or queries related to hospital management software use within the organization. It's essentially an IT support system tailored specifically for healthcare settings.

By incorporating these features into their systems, hospitals can improve operational efficiency while also ensuring that all necessary information is easily accessible when needed.

Top Custom Development Features & Benefits of Doing Them

When it comes to administrative and support functions, there are a few key areas where custom development can make a significant difference.

One area is inventory management. A custom inventory management system can help you keep track of all the medical supplies in your hospital, from surgical tools to medications. This not only ensures that you never run out of essential items but also helps prevent wastage.

Another important feature is supply chain management. By developing a custom supply chain system, you can streamline the process of ordering and receiving supplies, saving both time and money.

Facility management systems are another crucial aspect of hospital administration. With a tailored facility management system, tasks like maintenance scheduling or room allocation become much easier to handle.

The benefits? Improved efficiency tops the list - with these customized features in place, routine tasks take less time and effort to complete. You could also see substantial cost savings as better resource utilization leads to less waste.

And let's not forget about better resource management - having clear visibility into your resources means they can be allocated more effectively across different departments or needs within the hospital.

5. Analytics and Reporting

What is it?

Analytics and reporting are crucial components of a Hospital Management System (HMS). They serve as the backbone for making informed decisions in healthcare settings. These features deal with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of complex health data.

For instance, data analysis can help you understand patterns in patient visits or identify peak times at your hospital. This information can then be used to better allocate resources or improve patient care services.

Custom reports also play an essential role here. From financial summaries to patient demographics - these reports provide valuable insights into various aspects of hospital management.

In short, analytics and reporting tools within an HMS help healthcare providers make sense of vast amounts of raw data collected daily in hospitals. The ultimate goal? To aid decision-making processes that enhance both operational efficiency and quality of care.

Top Custom Development Features & Benefits of Doing Them

When it comes to analytics and reporting, custom development can bring a wealth of benefits. One key feature that can be developed is custom dashboards. These are user-friendly interfaces that display real-time data in an easy-to-understand format. They provide instant access to critical information, enabling healthcare providers to make informed decisions quickly.

Another significant feature is real-time reporting. This allows for the immediate generation and distribution of reports based on current data. It helps hospitals respond swiftly to changing situations or emerging trends.

Predictive analytics is another valuable tool that can be integrated into your hospital management system through custom development. Predictive analytics uses historical data and machine learning algorithms to forecast future outcomes or trends, which could include patient health risks or operational efficiency issues.

The benefits of these features are numerous:

  • Data-driven decisions: With access to accurate, up-to-date information at their fingertips, hospital administrators can make more informed decisions.

  • Improved patient outcomes: Predictive analytics can help identify potential health risks before they become serious problems, allowing for early intervention and potentially better patient outcomes.

  • Proactive management: Real-time reporting enables managers to spot issues as they arise and address them promptly rather than reacting after the fact.

By investing in these types of custom developments for your HMS's analytic capabilities you're not just buying software; you're investing in the future success of your healthcare organization by empowering decision-makers with timely insights when they need them most.

6. Compliance and Security

What is it?

When we talk about compliance and security in a hospital setting, we're referring to the measures taken to meet legal requirements and protect sensitive information. Hospitals deal with a lot of confidential data, from patient medical records to financial transactions. It's crucial that this information is kept secure from unauthorized access or breaches.

Healthcare regulations play a significant role here. These are rules set by authorities like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the U.S., which dictate how patient data should be handled. Meeting these standards isn't just about avoiding penalties; it's also about maintaining trust between healthcare providers and patients.

So, when considering a Hospital Management System, you need one that prioritizes both compliance with these important regulations as well as robust security features designed to safeguard all sensitive data within your organization.

Top Custom Development Features & Benefits of Doing Them

When it comes to compliance and security, a custom hospital management system can offer several features that help healthcare organizations meet regulatory standards while ensuring data protection.

One such feature is the development of custom access control systems. These systems allow you to manage who has access to sensitive patient information, limiting exposure and reducing the risk of breaches. By setting permissions at different levels, you ensure only authorized personnel have access to certain data.

Another important feature is the implementation of audit trails. Audit trails keep track of all actions performed within the system - from accessing patient records to making changes in them - providing a clear record for review if needed.

Data encryption is another key aspect that should be included in your custom HMS design. Encryption converts readable data into coded form, which can only be decoded with an encryption key. This ensures that even if data falls into the wrong hands during transmission or storage, it remains unreadable without the correct decryption key.

Secure communication channels are also crucial for protecting sensitive health information as they prevent unauthorized interception during transmission between devices or networks.

The benefits? Enhanced data protection tops the list by safeguarding against potential threats and breaches – something every healthcare organization needs. Compliance with healthcare regulations becomes easier too since these features align well with guidelines like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) requiring secure handling and storage of patient information.

Lastly, there's reduced risk overall because when you've got strong safeguards in place through these customized features, your chances decrease significantly for running afoul due to compliance issues or suffering costly breaches damaging both finances and reputation.

7. Patient Portal and Engagement

What is it?

A patient portal is a secure online website that gives patients convenient 24-hour access to personal health information from anywhere with an Internet connection. It's like having a digital gateway into your doctor's office, making it easier for you to get the care you need when you need it.

This technology plays a crucial role in fostering patient engagement. When we talk about patient engagement, we're referring to the ways healthcare providers and patients work together to improve health. A highly engaged patient knows more about their health and has the knowledge necessary to manage their own care.

Patient portals typically offer several features designed specifically for this purpose. They may include options for scheduling appointments, viewing medical records, requesting prescription refills, and communicating directly with healthcare providers.

By offering these services digitally through a portal, hospitals can enhance patient satisfaction by providing them with greater control over their healthcare experience.

Top Custom Development Features & Benefits of Doing Them

When it comes to patient portals, custom development can truly make a difference. Let's take a look at some of the top features that can be tailored to your needs:

Custom appointment booking: This feature allows patients to book their own appointments online, reducing administrative burden and increasing convenience for patients.

Telemedicine integration: By integrating telemedicine capabilities into the patient portal, healthcare providers can offer virtual consultations. This not only provides added convenience for patients but also extends the reach of healthcare services.

Another key area where customization plays an important role is in providing personalized health information and communication tools. With these features:

Patients have access to their medical records anytime they need them.

They receive reminders about upcoming appointments or necessary check-ups.

They get educational materials related specifically to their conditions or treatments.

The benefits of developing these custom features are manifold:

  • Improved patient satisfaction: When you provide convenient and easy-to-use tools like online appointment booking and telemedicine options, you enhance the overall experience for your patients which leads directly to higher satisfaction levels.

  • Increased engagement: Providing personalized health information encourages active participation from patients in managing their own health.

  • Better health outcomes: The more engaged a patient is with his/her care plan, the better the chances of successful treatment and recovery.

By focusing on customizing these aspects within your hospital management system's patient portal module, you're putting emphasis on what matters most - delivering high-quality care that meets individual needs while fostering stronger relationships between healthcare providers and those they serve: "you", our valued readers who work tirelessly towards improving lives every day!

8. Integration and Interoperability

What is it?

Integration and interoperability are two key aspects of a hospital management system. Simply put, this is the ability of different software systems, applications, or modules within an HMS to work together seamlessly. In other words, they can exchange information and use that information for various purposes without any hitches.

The goal here is simple: ensure all parts of your hospital's tech ecosystem can talk to each other effectively. This includes everything from patient records and billing systems to lab results and pharmacy orders.

However, achieving this seamless integration isn't always easy. It involves overcoming technical challenges like incompatible data formats or communication protocols between different systems. But when done right, it paves the way for smoother workflows, more efficient operations, and ultimately better patient care.

Top Custom Development Features & Benefits of Doing Them

Custom development in integration and interoperability can be a game-changer for hospital management systems. Here are some key features to consider:

Custom APIs for third-party systems: These allow your HMS to communicate effectively with other software used in your healthcare organization. This could include everything from electronic health record systems to billing software.

Interoperability with national health information exchanges: This feature allows hospitals to share patient data securely and efficiently, ensuring that every healthcare provider has access to the most up-to-date information.

These custom developments offer several benefits:

  • Streamlined workflows: With effective integration, you eliminate the need for manual data entry across multiple platforms, reducing errors and saving time.

  • Improved data sharing: Interoperability ensures all relevant parties have access to necessary patient information, leading to more informed decision-making.

  • Enhanced patient care: When all parts of a hospital's system can 'talk' seamlessly, it results in faster diagnoses and treatments – ultimately improving the level of care patients receive.

Incorporating these custom features into your HMS is not just about keeping up with technology trends; it's about enhancing efficiency and providing better care for patients - two goals at the heart of any successful healthcare organization.


Custom development is the key to unlocking optimal performance in a hospital management system. It allows healthcare providers to tailor their systems according to their specific needs, leading to more efficient operations and improved patient care.

Having custom features in your hospital management system can make a significant difference. Instead of trying to fit into an off-the-shelf solution, you get software that fits like a glove, designed specifically for your unique requirements. This results in smoother workflows, less time wasted on workarounds, and ultimately better patient outcomes.

The world of healthcare is complex and ever-changing. But with the right tools you can navigate these complexities with ease and focus on what matters most: providing excellent patient care.

About eSystems

At eSystems, we specialize in low-code solutions designed to streamline healthcare operations, improve patient engagement, and accelerate digital transformation.

Our platform simplifies the integration of various systems, enhancing adaptability and ensuring high standards of security and compliance. By adopting eSystems' low-code technology, healthcare providers can quickly develop customized, scalable applications, reducing IT dependencies and allowing more focus on patient care.

Explore our case studies with Synlab and TLC to find out how our low-code solutions can elevate healthcare services.

Ready to get started? Contact us for a consultation to begin your digital transformation.


How does a custom Hospital Management System help in human error reduction?

A custom Hospital Management System automates routine tasks, standardizes processes, and provides real-time data access, significantly reducing the likelihood of human errors.

How can computerized management systems improve communication within a hospital?

Computerized management systems improve communication by providing centralized access to patient records, facilitating instant messaging, and enabling seamless information sharing across departments.

What role does an administrator play in managing a custom Hospital Management System?

An administrator oversees the implementation, maintenance, and optimization of the system, ensures data accuracy, manages user access, and provides training and support to staff.

What features should a hospital management system include to enhance customer service in clinical services?

To enhance customer service, a hospital management system should include online appointment scheduling, patient portals, real-time updates, and personalized communication tools.

How can custom solutions in hospital management systems streamline finance management?

Custom solutions streamline finance management by automating billing processes, integrating insurance claims, providing real-time financial reporting, and ensuring accurate financial tracking and compliance.