Reggie Rusan Jul 5, 2024 3:56:56 PM 25 min read

Importance of Low Code Developing Automated Security Checks in Healthcare Software

The world of healthcare IT is constantly evolving, with security being a top priority. Healthcare software often handles sensitive data that needs to be protected at all costs. This is where automated security checks come into play, serving as guardians of this valuable information.

Automated security checks are about creating systems that can proactively identify potential threats and neutralize them before they cause harm. One good way to build these systems efficiently is through low-code platforms.

Low-code platforms are transforming the way we approach software development in healthcare and many other sectors. With their user-friendly interfaces and minimal coding requirements, they make it possible for even non-technical staff members to contribute to the digital transformation process.

This article focuses on why low-code platforms excel in developing automated security checks within healthcare software.

Why Automated Security Checks are Important in Healthcare Software

Healthcare organizations handle a wealth of sensitive patient data. From personal information to detailed medical histories, this data is as private as it gets. The protection of this information is not just an ethical obligation but also a legal one, with industry regulations like HIPAA compliance mandating stringent security measures.

The healthcare industry faces unique challenges when it comes to securing patient data. Data breaches can have severe consequences, ranging from financial penalties for non-compliance to loss of trust among patients and the public at large. In worst-case scenarios, security breaches could even lead to compromised patient care.

Automated security checks serve as a vital line of defense against these potential threats. They work around-the-clock scanning systems for vulnerabilities or signs of malicious activity that could indicate a breach or attack on electronic health records and other critical systems.

These automated checks don't just reactively flag issues; they proactively identify potential weaknesses before they become problems - offering healthcare organizations precious time to fix them before any damage occurs.

In addition, automated security features help streamline compliance processes by ensuring that all necessary safeguards are in place and functioning correctly at all times - thus reducing the risk of costly fines due to non-compliance with industry regulations.

Trust plays an integral role in the relationship between patients and healthcare providers. Patients need assurance their sensitive health information will be handled responsibly and securely. Automated security checks provide this reassurance by demonstrating an organization's commitment to maintaining high standards for protecting patient data integrity while providing quality care.

What is Low Code?

Low code, as the name suggests, is a method of creating applications that require minimal hand-coding. This approach to software development utilizes low-code technology, which includes visual interfaces with simple drag-and-drop features. It's focused on building with blocks rather than starting from scratch.

The beauty of low-code development lies in its simplicity and accessibility. Unlike traditional coding methods that require extensive knowledge and expertise in programming languages, low code opens up the world of application development to a broader audience.

For instance, consider someone working in healthcare who has an idea for an app but lacks formal coding skills. With a low-code platform at their disposal, they can bring their vision to life without needing to write complex lines of code or hire external help.

This isn't just limited to those newbies either; seasoned developers also find value in using these platforms. They use them as powerful tools for quickly prototyping ideas or when time constraints demand rapid delivery.

Moreover, this kind of software development empowers people across different roles within an organization - not just IT professionals but also administrators and even frontline staff members - giving everyone the chance to contribute towards digital transformation efforts more actively.

In essence, it democratizes app creation by making it accessible regardless of one's technical background while speeding up service delivery significantly.

Benefits of Low-code for Automated Security Checks

The adoption of low-code solutions in automated security checks offers a host of benefits. These advantages are not just about speed and efficiency but also extend to innovation and integration capabilities.

With the help of low-code technologies, healthcare organizations can leverage pre-built components to streamline their processes while ensuring robust security measures. Here are some specific benefits that make low code an ideal choice for developing automated security checks in healthcare software systems.

1. Speed and Efficiency

One of the standout benefits of using low-code platforms in developing automated security checks is the speed and efficiency they bring to the table. The drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-built components, and minimal hand-coding that are characteristic of low-code technology significantly accelerate both development and deployment processes.

In healthcare software, where sensitive patient data is at stake, this ability to quickly develop robust security measures can be a game-changer. Especially during crisis situations - such as a sudden surge in patient numbers or an unexpected cyber threat - being able to respond rapidly is critical.

Low-code platforms enable healthcare organizations to do just that: swiftly create or modify their automated security checks with high efficiency. This rapid service delivery can make all the difference when time-sensitive threats emerge, ensuring that valuable data remains secure while maintaining trust in digital transformation efforts within the healthcare industry.

The use of automation further improves this speed by reducing manual input and streamlining workflows – making low code an invaluable tool for the efficient development of automated security checks.

2. Reduced Complexity

The beauty of low-code platforms lies in their simplicity. They are designed to make the process of creating automated security checks less complicated. This is a significant advantage, especially for healthcare professionals who may not have extensive coding knowledge.

Low-code development allows you to create complex security features using simple drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built components, such as those found on power apps and the power platform. It's based on building with blocks - you pick what you need from a selection of ready-made elements and put them together to form your desired structure.

This simplified approach reduces the likelihood of errors that could potentially compromise patient data or violate compliance regulations. It takes away much of the stress associated with traditional coding methods while ensuring high-quality results.

By reducing complexity, low code makes developing automated security checks more accessible to all members within an organization – not just those with technical expertise.

3. Enhanced Collaboration

One of the most significant advantages of low-code platforms is their ability to foster better collaboration. In healthcare, this can be a game-changer. Not only can IT teams work together more efficiently; this also bridges the gap between tech experts and healthcare professionals.

Low-code technologies provide an accessible platform where both groups can contribute their expertise. Medical professionals bring in-depth knowledge about patient care needs and industry practices, while IT specialists bring technical skills to develop effective security checks.

The result? A collaborative environment that ensures developed security measures are not only technically sound but also relevant and practical for everyday use in the healthcare setting. This way, providers and patients alike benefit from robust security features tailored specifically for them.

Good collaboration leads to better solutions - ones that meet real-world needs while keeping sensitive data safe.

4. Regulatory Compliance

Low-code platforms bring significant benefits when it comes to meeting healthcare regulations. One of the biggest challenges in the healthcare sector is maintaining compliance with stringent rules like HIPAA. Low-code technology can help alleviate this burden.

The beauty of low-code platforms lies in their flexibility and configurability. They allow developers to build applications that are compliant by design, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties. With built-in templates and modules designed for specific regulatory requirements, these platforms ensure that your security checks meet all necessary standards right from the start.

Moreover, as regulations change or new ones come into play, you don't need to worry about overhauling your entire system. The adaptable nature of low-code means you can simply tweak your existing setup to align with any changes - saving time and resources while ensuring continuous compliance.

5. Scalability

The beauty of low-code platforms lies in their ability to grow with your organization. As the healthcare sector continues to evolve, so do its security needs. With a traditional coding approach, scaling up could mean significant time and resource investment. But with low code, it's a different story.

Low-code platforms are designed for scalability. They can easily adapt to increased loads and expanded data access needs without requiring extensive rework or additional resources. This means that as your healthcare organization grows, whether through adding more patients or expanding services, your software can handle this growth seamlessly.

For instance, if you need to add new security features or accommodate more user requests as part of business process expansion - no problem. Low code makes it possible without causing major disruptions or delays in service delivery.

Using low-code technology allows you not only to meet current demands but also prepares you for future challenges efficiently and effectively.

6. Continuous Improvement

Healthcare is always evolving, and so are its security needs. With low-code platforms, you're not stuck with a static solution. Instead, these platforms support ongoing updates and refinements to keep up with changing demands.

For instance, if a new type of cyber threat emerges or there's an update in the regulatory requirements for data protection in healthcare software systems, your team can swiftly make necessary adjustments to your automated security checks using the low-code platform.

This flexibility for continuous improvement means that your organization's security measures will never be outdated or inadequate. It ensures that you're always one step ahead when it comes to protecting sensitive patient information from potential threats.

Low code also makes it easier to implement feedback from users since changes can be made quickly without the extensive coding knowledge required. This way, improvements aren't just reactive but proactive as well - based on real user experiences and insights.

Choosing low code for developing automated security checks is choosing constant growth and adaptation in response to ever-changing cybersecurity challenges within the healthcare industry.

7. Cost-Effectiveness

One of the key benefits of using low-code platforms for developing automated security checks in healthcare software is cost-effectiveness. The traditional method of creating security measures often requires a team of specialized programmers, which can be expensive to maintain. With low-code technology, you don't need an army of expert coders.

Instead, less technical staff members can use these platforms to create robust security features. This significantly reduces the need for hiring additional personnel or outsourcing tasks to external agencies, resulting in substantial savings.

Moreover, because low-code development speeds up the process from design to deployment, it means your healthcare software gets its necessary security checks faster than usual methods would allow. Time is money as they say and reducing time spent on development also translates into cost savings.

In addition, maintenance costs are also reduced with low code solutions since updating and modifying existing systems becomes simpler and more efficient compared with traditional coding practices.

So when you look at it from different angles - staffing needs reduction, quicker turnaround times, and lower maintenance expenses - choosing a low-code platform makes financial sense.

8. User-Friendly Interfaces

Low-code platforms are known for their intuitive design. This simplicity extends to the development of automated security checks in healthcare software. The drag-and-drop interfaces and visual modeling tools make it easy for you, even if you're not a tech guru, to build robust security features.

For instance, setting up access controls or creating data encryption protocols becomes as simple as selecting options from a menu and placing them where they need to go. No more struggling with complex code or obscure commands.

This user-friendly approach means that your IT team can spend less time explaining how things work and more time on strategic tasks. It also allows other staff members who may not have extensive coding knowledge but understand the needs of your organization better than anyone else, to contribute effectively.

Low-code platforms turn everyone into potential developers capable of enhancing your healthcare software's security features. With this ease of use at hand, securing sensitive patient data becomes an achievable goal rather than an insurmountable challenge.

9. Customization Abilities

Low-code platforms offer a unique advantage in terms of customization. They allow healthcare organizations to tailor their security checks according to specific needs and circumstances. For instance, an organization might need additional layers of protection for certain types of sensitive patient data or may require special security protocols for remote access by medical professionals.

With low-code technology, these customizations can be implemented quickly and efficiently without requiring extensive coding knowledge. This means that even staff members who aren't software developers can contribute ideas and make changes, ensuring the system is as effective as possible.

Moreover, because each healthcare organization has its own unique set of challenges and requirements when it comes to data security, this ability to customize solutions becomes invaluable. It ensures that the final product isn't just a one-size-fits-all solution but rather a tool tailored specifically for the task at hand.

With customizable low-code platforms, developing automated security checks becomes less about wrestling with complex codes and more about creating an effective line of defense against potential threats.

10 Rapid Response to Threats

The ability to respond quickly to emerging security threats is a significant advantage of using low-code platforms. When you're dealing with sensitive healthcare data, time is often of the essence. Any delay in addressing a potential threat could lead to serious consequences, including data breaches and loss of patient trust.

Low-code platforms enable swift changes and updates in response to these threats. This rapid response capability comes from the inherent flexibility that low code offers - changes can be made directly on the platform without needing extensive coding knowledge or experience.

By leveraging low-code technology, healthcare organizations are better equipped not just to prevent security incidents but also to manage them effectively when they do occur.


Low code technology is a game-changer in developing automated security checks for healthcare software. They enable faster and more efficient development processes while ensuring the protection of sensitive patient data.

Low-code technologies have the potential to revolutionize how we approach IT security in healthcare. They offer an innovative way to develop robust security measures that can adapt quickly to emerging threats, ensuring continuous protection for both patients and providers.

Moreover, these platforms provide a cost-effective solution that can grow with your organization's needs. The scalability feature ensures you're always ready to handle increased loads or expanded data access requirements without compromising on safety standards.

But perhaps what makes low code development most transformative is its user-friendly nature. It simplifies complex coding tasks into manageable chunks that even non-experts can handle effectively, making it easier than ever before for healthcare organizations to take control of their own digital transformation journey.

About eSystems

At eSystems, we specialize in low-code solutions designed to streamline healthcare operations, improve patient engagement, and accelerate digital transformation.

Our platform simplifies the integration of various systems, enhancing adaptability and ensuring high standards of security and compliance. By adopting eSystems' low-code technology, healthcare providers can quickly develop customized, scalable applications, reducing IT dependencies and allowing more focus on patient care.

Explore our case studies with Synlab and TLC to find out how our low-code solutions can elevate healthcare services.

Ready to get started? Contact us for a consultation to begin your digital transformation.


Can low-code in healthcare help reduce development and maintenance costs while ensuring the protection of patient data?

Yes, low-code platforms can significantly reduce development and maintenance costs by streamlining the creation and updating processes. These platforms also typically include robust security features designed to protect sensitive patient data.

Can low code platforms lead to faster development and shorter time-to-market for healthcare software?

Absolutely, low-code platforms facilitate faster development by allowing developers to use pre-built templates and drag-and-drop interfaces, which can drastically reduce the time to market for new healthcare software.

What are the main challenges healthcare companies face when implementing low-code platforms for security checks?

Key challenges include integrating low-code platforms with existing legacy systems, ensuring compliance with strict healthcare regulations, and maintaining a high standard of data security amidst rapid development cycles.

How can low-code automation transform the handling of patient data in healthcare software?

Low-code automation can transform patient data handling by making data management more efficient and error-free. Automated workflows can ensure that data is processed and updated accurately, enhancing overall data integrity and accessibility.

What business benefits do healthcare companies achieve by adopting low-code/no-code solutions for security processes?

Healthcare companies can achieve numerous business benefits, including increased agility, improved compliance with healthcare regulations, lower costs related to software development, and the ability to quickly adapt to new security challenges or regulatory changes.


Reggie Rusan

With 32 years of experience in Enterprise IT, Reggie has worked equally on both the customer and service provider sides. Reggie's goal is to move his customer’s data from a liability to an asset and then to a source of new business models. He believes that it is critical to apply innovation and entrepreneurial spirit with the correct people, data, and technology to take on new markets! Contact: +358 456 190 100