Reggie Rusan Jul 25, 2024 3:29:37 PM 26 min read

Best Practices for Low code Developing Effective EHR Software

Developing effective Electronic Health Record (EHR) software is essential for enhancing healthcare delivery by ensuring efficient and secure digital storage of patient information. This improves real-time data access and coordination among healthcare providers, leading to better patient outcomes.

The core purpose of this article is to present best practices for developing EHR software using low-code platforms. These platforms simplify programming tasks and speed up development, allowing you to create robust, secure, and efficient EHR systems.

What is EHR Software?

Electronic Health Record (EHR) software is a digital version of a patient's paper chart. It contains comprehensive medical history, treatment plans, and test results, facilitating better healthcare management.

EHRs enable healthcare providers to access and update patient information efficiently, improving coordination and decision-making in patient care. This digital approach enhances data accuracy, reduces paperwork, and streamlines healthcare workflows.

Understanding Low Code Development of EHR Software

Low code development makes creating EHR software faster and easier by using visual tools and pre-built components, so you don’t need to be a coding expert. This approach helps healthcare providers quickly set up and customize their EHR systems.

These platforms are flexible, allowing easy updates to meet changing healthcare rules and needs. They also include strong security features to keep patient data safe and meet regulations like HIPAA. Also, low-code solutions can easily connect with other healthcare systems, ensuring smooth data sharing.

Best Practices for Developing Effective EHR Software Using Low Code Platforms

1. Ensure Compliance with Data Protection Regulations

Ensuring compliance with data protection regulations is vital when developing EHR software using low-code platforms to protect patient data and avoid legal penalties.

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a U.S. law that sets standards for protecting sensitive patient data and ensuring privacy.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a European regulation that governs data protection and privacy for individuals within the European Union.

Compliance with HIPAA and GDPR is essential to protect sensitive patient information from unauthorized access and breaches. Non-compliance can result in significant legal penalties, loss of trust, and potential harm to patients.

To comply with both HIPAA and GDPR, your EHR software must:

  • Data Security: Incorporate robust data security measures. Use encryption to protect data during transmission, making it unreadable to unauthorized users. Implement access controls to restrict who can view or modify patient information, ensuring only authorized personnel have access.

  • Patient Privacy: Maintain patient privacy by anonymizing patient data where possible to protect individual identities. Allow patients to view who has accessed their records and for what purpose, providing transparency and control over their own health information.

  • Data Protection Principles: Adhere to data protection principles like data minimization by collecting only necessary data and purpose limitation by using data only for specified, legitimate purposes.

  • Consent: Obtain explicit consent from patients before collecting and processing their data. Inform patients about what data is being collected and how it will be used.

  • Data Subject Rights: Respect patients' rights under both regulations, including the right to access their data, the right to rectify by correcting inaccurate data, and the right to erasure by deleting data upon request.

  • Data Breach Notification: Implement procedures to promptly notify relevant authorities and affected individuals in the event of a data breach.

Maintaining compliance with HIPAA and GDPR requires continuous effort and vigilance:

  • Documentation: Thoroughly document all compliance measures. Keep detailed records of how you meet HIPAA and GDPR requirements, which will be essential if any questions or concerns arise in the future.

  • Regular Reviews: Regularly review and update your practices to ensure they align with these regulations as technology evolves and new threats emerge.

2. Conduct Regular Risk Assessments

Conducting regular risk assessments is crucial for ensuring the security and reliability of your EHR software developed using low-code platforms.

By systematically evaluating potential threats and vulnerabilities within the system, you can proactively address issues that could compromise sensitive patient data and disrupt healthcare operations.

  • Automated Tools: Use automated tools designed for security audits. These tools scan your entire system by checking for outdated software, unpatched vulnerabilities, and misconfigured settings. They identify weak points where breaches might occur.

  • Address Risks Promptly: Once risks are identified, address them promptly to prevent potential breaches or attacks. This may involve patching software bugs, strengthening firewall protections, or updating encryption methods based on the audit findings.

  • Documentation: Document all processes used, findings discovered, and actions taken. This documentation helps pinpoint what went wrong if a similar issue arises in the future and how it was resolved, making problem-solving faster and more efficient next time around.

3. Design User-Friendly Interfaces

Designing user-friendly interfaces is vital for the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction of your EHR software developed using low-code platforms.

Intuitive and easy-to-navigate interfaces ensure that healthcare providers can efficiently access and manage patient data, reducing errors and improving the overall quality of care.

  • Visual Hierarchy: Employ visual hierarchy in your design process. Arrange elements to guide the eye from the most important to the least important information on the screen. This design approach reduces the cognitive load on your , making it easier for them to find and input information quickly.

  • Role Consideration: Consider the different roles within the healthcare system and how they interact with your software. Doctors may need quick access to medical histories and clinical data, while receptionists might prioritize appointment scheduling tools. Customize EHR solutions to meet these diverse needs by creating specific user interfaces for different roles, ensuring that each user has access to the tools and information they need most.

  • Gather Feedback: Gather feedback from potential end-users early and often throughout the development process. Ask healthcare providers about their workflow, what features they find most useful, any difficulties they encounter with existing systems, and suggestions for improvements. This feedback helps guide decisions about layout designs and feature implementations, ensuring the final product meets the practical needs of those who will use it daily.

4. Support Interoperability Standards (HL7, FHIR)

Interoperability refers to the ability of different information systems and software applications to communicate and exchange data accurately and effectively.

In the context of EHR software, this means your system should be able to send and receive patient health information seamlessly from other digital health tools like lab systems or pharmacy management systems.

To achieve interoperability, you should support key standards:

  • HL7: HL7 is a set of international standards for transferring clinical and administrative data between hospital information systems. It ensures all healthcare organizations can communicate using a common language when sharing patient data.

  • FHIR: FHIR, developed by HL7, describes how to create resources for specific items such as patients or medications. This standard makes it easier for different computer programs to exchange data efficiently and accurately.

Supporting these interoperability standards is important because:

  • Enhanced Care Coordination: Interoperability allows various healthcare providers to access a patient’s complete medical history, leading to better coordination and improved patient outcomes.

  • Reduced Errors: Seamless data exchange reduces errors associated with manual entry and duplication, ensuring more accurate patient records.

  • Increased Efficiency: Interoperability promotes efficiency within healthcare practices by saving time for staff who would otherwise have to manually input repeated information across multiple platforms.

5. Integrate Billing Systems

Integrating billing systems connects your EHR software with financial systems that handle patient billing and insurance claims. This integration is essential for improving the accuracy of billing, reducing administrative workload, and ensuring timely payments.

  • Streamline Financial Processes: Integration helps streamline financial operations within healthcare organizations, reducing the challenges of manual data entry, which often leads to errors in patient bills or insurance claims.

  • Automatic Updates: Every time a healthcare provider updates a patient's record in the EHR system—such as adding new treatments or updating diagnoses—these changes are automatically reflected in their bill. This ensures data accuracy and interoperability between systems.

  • Improved Accuracy: Integration reduces the chances of human error, such as incorrect charges due to miscommunication or typos. It ensures timely invoicing, leading to faster payments and improved cash flow for healthcare providers.

  • Enhanced Patient Experience: By ensuring accurate billing and reducing errors, patients are less likely to face billing disputes and unexpected charges, leading to higher patient satisfaction and trust in the healthcare provider.

6. Implement End-to-End Encryption

End-to-end encryption is a method of secure communication that prevents third parties from accessing data while it's transferred from one system or device to another.

In the context of EHR systems, this means that patient data remains unreadable by anyone except the intended recipient throughout its journey across networks. This process is crucial for protecting patient health information (PHI) and ensuring compliance with HIPAA regulations and other security policies.

Incorporating end-to-end encryption into your EHR solutions is essential for safeguarding sensitive information against unauthorized access and potential breaches. This is a vital aspect of implementing effective security measures in healthcare IT, ensuring that patient information and clinical data remain secure.

  • Secure Data Transfer: End-to-end encryption ensures that data remains unreadable during transfer, protecting it from interception by unauthorized parties.

  • Compliance: Encrypting data helps in meeting regulatory requirements, including HIPAA, which mandates the protection of PHI.

  • Developer Tools: Utilize low-code platforms that offer pre-built functions for adding encryption algorithms. These tools make it easier to integrate encryption into your software without extensive cryptography knowledge. eSystems' Automation Discovery service can assist in pinpointing and implementing tailored encryption solutions to enhance operational efficiency and secure your data.

7. Set Up Robust Access Controls

Access control refers to the selective restriction of access to data.

In the context of EHR systems, it means that only authorized personnel can view or modify patient information, ensuring that sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access.

  • Limit Data Accessibility: Restrict access strictly on a need-to-know basis. For instance, while a doctor might require full patient history for diagnosis and treatment planning, an administrative staff member may only need basic demographic details for record-keeping purposes.

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Implement MFA, which requires users to provide two or more verification factors to gain system entry, like a password, and a smart card or biometric verification.

  • Activity Logging and Monitoring: Set up activity logging and monitoring to keep track of who accesses what information, when, and from where. This way, if there's any suspicious activity detected within the system, such as multiple failed login attempts or unusual data retrieval patterns at odd hours, alerts can be triggered, leading to swift action against potential breaches. eSystems' Automation Architecture Consultancy service can help strategize and refine your access control framework, ensuring robust security practices are in place.

8. Adopt Agile Development Practices

Incorporating agile development practices is essential for creating effective EHR software using low-code platforms. Agile development emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction, breaking down projects into manageable units and addressing them in short stages.

The benefits of agile practices include continuous improvement of the product, ensuring the software meets user needs through regular feedback, and providing the flexibility needed in the healthcare industry where regulations frequently change.

To put agile practices into action:

  • Use Digital Boards for Task Management: Digital boards allow team members to track progress in real-time, making it easy to see what tasks are completed, what’s in progress, and what’s pending. This transparency helps everyone stay on the same page and manage their tasks efficiently.

  • Hold Regular Stand-Up Meetings: These quick, daily meetings help team members share updates, discuss any roadblocks, and coordinate efforts. Regular check-ins ensure that issues are identified and addressed promptly, keeping the project on track.

  • Foster Open Communication Channels: Encourage open communication through email threads, chat rooms, or collaborative platforms. Creating an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feedback helps in addressing concerns early and fosters a collaborative team spirit.

9. Design for Scalability

Ensuring your EHR software can scale effectively is a critical practice when using low-code platforms because it allows your system to handle growth and increased data volumes without performance issues.

To ensure your EHR system is scalable:

  • Efficient Database Structure: Design a database structure that can efficiently store and retrieve large amounts of data. Choose appropriate data types and indexing strategies to significantly improve query performance.

  • Load-Balancing Techniques: Implement load-balancing techniques where workloads are distributed across multiple servers. This helps ensure no single server becomes overwhelmed with requests, leading to better overall performance.

  • Cloud-Based Solutions: Use cloud-based solutions that offer flexible resources that can easily scale up or down based on demand, avoiding the need for heavy investment in physical infrastructure.

10. Provide Comprehensive Training and Support

Offering thorough training and support is vital for the successful use of EHR software developed with low-code platforms because it ensures that all users can effectively utilize the system's features and maintain productivity.

To ensure comprehensive training and support:

  • Detailed User Manuals and Guides: Develop detailed user manuals or guides that clearly explain how each feature works.

  • Regular Training Sessions: Conduct regular training sessions where you walk through various scenarios on how best to utilize the system.

  • Dedicated Support Channels: Set up a dedicated helpline or email address where users can reach out if they encounter problems. This reduces downtime and maintains operational efficiency within your organization.


Developing effective EHR software using low-code platforms is essential for modernizing healthcare infrastructure, enhancing patient care, and streamlining operational efficiency. These systems ensure that sensitive health data is protected, healthcare providers can easily access and manage patient information, and organizations can adapt to changing demands with agility and scalability.

By adhering to best practices in low-code development, you can build an EHR system that meets regulatory requirements. This approach supports your evolving needs and those of healthcare professionals and patients. Ultimately, it ensures a robust, efficient, and secure healthcare environment.

About eSystems

At eSystems, we specialize in low-code solutions designed to streamline the development of effective EHR software, enhancing healthcare operations and improving patient care. Our platform simplifies the integration of various systems, ensuring high standards of security and compliance while enhancing adaptability.

By adopting eSystems' low-code technology, healthcare providers can quickly develop customized, scalable EHR applications. This reduces IT dependencies and allows for a greater focus on patient care and operational efficiency. Our comprehensive services include automation and integration, user experience design, and master data management, all tailored to meet the unique needs of the healthcare sector.

Ready to optimize your EHR systems? Contact us for a consultation and see how eSystems can support your healthcare technology needs.


What are the benefits of using ready-to-use templates in low-code platforms for electronic health record (EHR) development?

Low-code platforms like eSystems enable rapid development and implementation of custom EHR solutions and templates, improve scalability, innovation, and interoperability, and enhance patient care by providing real-time access to accurate medical data.

How can developers of healthcare organizations leverage low-code development to improve care management software?

Healthcare organizations can use low-code platforms like eSystems to create custom care management software, streamline workflows, and enhance patient care while ensuring privacy practices, security measures for PHI, and compliance with HIPAA regulations.

What security measures should be implemented in low-code EHR app development to ensure security and privacy according to HIPAA privacy and compliance?

Implement encryption, conduct regular risk assessments, follow strict security policies, use platforms like eSystems with built-in security, ensure interoperability with openEHR, and maintain HIPAA compliance to protect PHI and patient information.

What role does value-based care play in the development and integration of low-code EHR software?

Value-based care drives low-code EHR development by focusing on patient outcomes and cost reduction, enabling custom EHR solutions for better care management dashboards, and integrating clinical data and patient information for informed decisions.

How can risk assessments be integrated into low-code EHR solution development processes?

Risk assessments in low-code EHR development with platforms like eSystems identify security vulnerabilities, ensure HIPAA compliance, protect PHI, accurate document generation, and incorporate feedback from healthcare providers to enhance data accuracy and patient care.


Reggie Rusan

With 32 years of experience in Enterprise IT, Reggie has worked equally on both the customer and service provider sides. Reggie's goal is to move his customer’s data from a liability to an asset and then to a source of new business models. He believes that it is critical to apply innovation and entrepreneurial spirit with the correct people, data, and technology to take on new markets! Contact: +358 456 190 100