Mika Roivainen Jun 27, 2024 1:47:32 PM 18 min read

Benefits of Low-Code Development in Healthcare Patient Portal Systems

Healthcare patient portals are a vital tool for healthcare organizations.

They provide patients with easy access to their health records, appointment scheduling, and communication with healthcare providers. But the development of these systems can be complex and time-consuming. That's where low-code platforms come into play.

Low-code development is a method that simplifies software creation by reducing the need for extensive manual coding. It has been gaining traction across various sectors due to its efficiency and ease of use.

This article will focus on how low-code software adoption in the healthcare sector offers significant benefits, particularly when applied to patient portal systems.

Introduction to Low-Code Development

Low-code development, as the name suggests, is a method of creating healthcare applications with minimal hand-coding. This approach to software development uses low-code/no-code platforms that simplify the process significantly.

One key feature of these platforms is their drag-and-drop interfaces. Instead of writing lines and lines of code, you can simply select pre-built templates and components and arrange them as needed. It's like building blocks for software.

These platforms also offer automated workflows which further streamline the development process by automating repetitive tasks.

This approach to software creation has been gaining traction across various industries lately due to its efficiency and ease-of-use benefits.

Benefits of Low-Code Development in Healthcare Patient Portal Systems

1. Speeds up Development

Low code comes with several benefits to development speed.

One of the major benefits is rapid prototyping, which allows developers to quickly create and test ideas before committing to full-scale production. This not only speeds up the initial stages of development but also enables quicker iterations based on feedback or changing requirements.

Low-code platforms can also significantly accelerate time-to-market for new features in your patient portal system. Instead of spending weeks or even months coding these features from scratch, you can use pre-built components and automated workflows provided by the platform to roll out updates faster than ever before.

Low-code development brings speed and agility into an otherwise lengthy process, helping healthcare organizations stay ahead in their digital transformation efforts.

2. Reduces Costs

Low-code development can significantly cut expenses in the healthcare sector. Traditional software development often requires a team of specialized coding staff, which can be costly to hire and maintain. With low-code platforms, however, this need is greatly reduced as much of the coding work is automated.

On top of that, low-code development helps reduce costs associated with prolonged development cycles. In traditional methods, more time spent on developing means higher costs incurred over time. But with low-code platforms speeding up the process, these extra costs are avoided.

Adopting a low-code platform not only reduces upfront expenses but also results in long-term savings for healthcare organizations by minimizing maintenance and operational costs.

3. Improves Accessibility

Low-code development can make healthcare portals more accessible to a wide range of users. It allows for the creation of intuitive interfaces that are easy to navigate, even for users who may not be tech-savvy. This is particularly important in the healthcare sector where diverse healthcare needs require simple and straightforward digital solutions.

This simplicity is crucial in meeting diverse healthcare needs, as it allows various members of a healthcare organization - from doctors and nurses to administrative staff - to access key information quickly and efficiently when they need it most.

So low-code platforms not only make these systems more accessible but also ensure that vital data is always at the fingertips of those who need it.

4. Enhances Customizability

One of the standout benefits of using a low-code platform is its ability to enhance customizability. This means that healthcare organizations can tailor their patient portal systems to meet specific needs, making them more user-friendly and efficient.

For instance, if patients express a need for a certain feature in feedback surveys, it's easier to implement these changes when you're working with low-code development tools. The drag-and-drop interfaces make adding new features or modifying existing ones a straightforward process.

Another advantage is the support for modular development provided by these platforms. This allows developers to add or remove features efficiently without disrupting the entire system's functionality. So, whether it's changing color schemes or introducing new modules based on user feedback, enhancing customizability becomes an achievable task with low-code platforms.

5. Facilitates Better Integration

Low-code application development platforms offer a seamless path to integrate software programs with existing healthcare systems, such as Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR). This is a crucial aspect for healthcare businesses, given the importance of these systems in day-to-day operations.

Standardized APIs provided by low-code platforms simplify data integration tasks significantly. They make it easier to pull together information from different sources into one place.

Low code can also reduce the complexity associated with data management and transferrence between various systems within a healthcare organization. It provides an efficient way to handle large volumes of patient data while maintaining system performance.

6. Supports Regulatory Compliance

Low-code development can be a significant help when it comes to regulatory compliance in the healthcare sector.

These platforms often come with built-in features designed to support HIPAA compliance, a crucial requirement for any healthcare organization dealing with patient data. This means that your patient portal system will have the necessary safeguards in place to ensure data security and maintain patient privacy.

Low-code platforms also simplify the process of creating audit trails and generating reports needed for compliance checks. So by using a low-code platform, you're not just making your system more efficient; you're also making it more compliant and trustworthy.

7. Empowers Non-Technical Users

Low-code platforms are designed to be user-friendly, even for those without a background in coding or software development. In fact, over half of low-code users are projected to come from non-IT backgrounds by 2025. This is particularly beneficial in the healthcare industry where staff members often have diverse roles and responsibilities.

By using a low-code platform, non-technical users such as nurses, administrators, and other healthcare staff can contribute to the development process of patient portal systems.

This involvement not only speeds up the process but also reduces bottlenecks that may occur when all technical tasks are left to specialized IT department personnel. This also encourages innovation by allowing insights from a wider range of stakeholders who interact with patients daily and understand their needs better than anyone else.

8. Ensures Scalability

Low-code platforms are designed to grow with your healthcare organization. As the number of users increases, or as you add more services and features, a low-code platform can easily adapt without causing disruptions in service. This scalability is a major advantage for healthcare organizations that plan to expand their patient portal systems over time.

In addition, these platforms are built to be future-proof. They're flexible enough to accommodate technological advancements and changes in industry standards or practices. This means that even as technology evolves, your patient portal system will remain relevant and effective

9. Provides Real-Time Updates

One of the key benefits of using a low-code platform is its ability to provide real-time updates. This means that any changes or improvements can be implemented quickly and efficiently, with minimal disruptions to the user experience.

For healthcare organizations, this is particularly beneficial as it allows for faster implementation of new features and compliance updates. It also improves their ability to fix issues quickly, ensuring that patient portal systems are always functioning at their best and providing optimal service to patients.

10. Enhances Patient Engagement

Low-code development can significantly improve patient engagement in healthcare.

By offering a personalized user experience, it allows patients to feel more connected and involved in their health management process. For instance, features like custom dashboards or personalized health trackers make the system more appealing and easy to use for patients.

In addition to this, low-code platforms also facilitate improved communication channels such as chatbots and notifications that keep patients informed about appointments, medication reminders, or test results. This constant interaction fosters continuous engagement between the healthcare providers and patients.

Since these portal systems are accessible from anywhere at any time via mobile devices or computers, they encourage regular use by making it convenient for patients to manage their health information remotely.


The adoption of low-code development platforms in healthcare, particularly within patient portal systems, marks a significant advancement in digital healthcare solutions.

These platforms streamline the creation and management of patient portals, thereby enhancing access to healthcare services and improving patient engagement. By reducing the need for extensive coding, low-code platforms accelerate development, decrease operational costs, and simplify compliance with regulatory standards.

Low-code development is not just a temporary trend but a transformative force in healthcare IT. It democratizes the development process, making advanced digital tools accessible to a broader range of healthcare professionals. This leads to better, more responsive patient services.

By embracing low-code solutions, healthcare organizations can ensure they remain adaptable and efficient, ready to meet the evolving demands of patient care in a digital age.

About eSystems

At eSystems, we specialize in low-code solutions designed to streamline healthcare operations, improve patient engagement, and accelerate digital transformation.

Our platform simplifies the integration of various systems, enhancing adaptability and ensuring high standards of security and compliance. By adopting eSystems' low-code technology, healthcare providers can quickly develop customized, scalable applications, reducing IT dependencies and allowing more focus on patient care.

Explore our case studies with Synlab and TLC to find out how our low-code solutions can elevate healthcare services.

Ready to get started? Contact us for a consultation to begin your digital transformation.


What advantages do healthcare professionals gain by turning to low-code development for patient portals?

Healthcare professionals benefit from low-code development through faster deployment of patient portal features, simplified updates, and enhanced ability to customize and adapt portals to changing needs without extensive technical knowledge.

What are low-code/no-code solutions and how can they benefit the healthcare industry?

Low-code/no-code solutions are development platforms that minimize the need for manual coding, allowing users to build applications using graphical user interfaces with drag-and-drop components. They benefit the healthcare industry by speeding up app development, reducing costs, and enabling healthcare staff to make or modify digital tools without deep programming skills.

How can low-code software enhance security measures in healthcare app development?

Low-code software often comes with built-in security features that adhere to industry standards, including automatic updates and compliance with regulations like HIPAA. These platforms also reduce human error and enhance data integrity by standardizing development processes.

How does low-code development reduce costs and streamline management in the healthcare business?

Low-code development reduces costs by decreasing the need for large development teams and minimizing the time spent on creating and testing new applications. It streamlines management by enabling quicker adjustments to applications as healthcare policies or needs evolve, thus supporting more agile operations.

What role do low code platforms play in enhancing public health management?

Low-code platforms facilitate the rapid deployment of public health management tools, such as tracking systems for disease outbreaks or vaccination management apps. By enabling quick integration with existing systems and data sources, they improve responsiveness and scalability of public health responses.


Mika Roivainen

Mika brings over 20 years of experience in the IT sector as an entrepreneur – having built several successful IT companies. He has a unique combination of strong technical skills along with an acute knowledge of business efficiency drivers – understanding full well that tomorrow's winning businesses will be the ones that respond fastest and most efficiently to clients' needs. Contact: +358 400 603 436