Mika Roivainen Aug 16, 2024 9:12:49 AM 21 min read

Assessing the Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Using Low-Code Platforms for ESG Reporting

Assessing the environmental impact and sustainability of using low-code platforms for ESG reporting is important in helping businesses meet their sustainability goals. ESG reporting is essential for companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and transparency in their operations. On the other hand, collecting and analyzing ESG data presents significant challenges.

This article explains how low-code platforms address these challenges, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of ESG reporting while promoting environmental sustainability. It highlights the benefits of low-code platforms in streamlining ESG reporting processes and supporting sustainable business practices.

Importance of Using Low-Code Platforms for ESG Reporting

A low-code platform is a tool that lets you create software applications with little to no coding. It uses easy-to-understand interfaces and pre-built modules, making it accessible for people who may not be expert developers. This speeds up the process of creating applications and reduces the need for highly specialized developers.

ESG reporting stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance reporting. It involves sharing data about how your company affects the environment and society, and how it is governed. This type of reporting is important because it shows stakeholders—like investors, customers, and regulators—how your company is managing sustainability and social responsibility.

Using low-code platforms for ESG reporting is important because it makes the reporting process faster and more accurate. These platforms help you quickly gather, manage, and share ESG data. This is crucial as businesses aim to be more transparent and sustainable. Low-code tools turn ESG reporting into a strategic advantage, not just a compliance task.

Low-code platforms also help with environmental and sustainability goals. They simplify software development, allowing you to quickly adjust to new regulations, handle large amounts of data, and gain valuable insights. By using these tools, you can ensure your company meets regulations and contributes to a sustainable future.

How Low-Code Platforms for ESG Reporting Impact Environment and Sustainability

1. Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is very important for the environment. Low-code platforms help by using cloud services for ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting. This means companies don't need to run their own data centers, which use a lot of energy.

Cloud services use energy smartly, only when needed. This reduces wasted energy and helps businesses report their energy use and carbon footprint more accurately, promoting sustainable practices. The carbon footprint refers to the total amount of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, that are emitted by human activities.

In addition to this cloud providers often use renewable energy sources, further reducing the overall carbon footprint associated with ESG reporting activities.

Assessment of Energy Efficiency

  • Compare energy consumption of traditional data centers vs. cloud-based solutions using energy monitoring tools.

  • Measure reduction in energy use before and after adopting low-code platforms with power meters.

  • Evaluate the impact of using renewable energy sources by reviewing energy mix reports from cloud providers.

2. Reduced E-Waste

Low-code platforms for ESG reporting help cut down on electronic waste (e-waste). E-waste refers to discarded electronic devices and components, like old servers and computers. Because these platforms use cloud services, companies need fewer physical servers.

This means less old hardware that ends up as waste. By using fewer devices, businesses help save natural resources. This also fits with the idea of a circular economy, where products are used longer and less waste is created. The circular economy aims to eliminate waste and continually use resources by reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products.

Also, using cloud-based solutions allows companies to easily upgrade and scale their ESG reporting tools without the need to dispose of outdated hardware, contributing to long-term sustainability efforts.

Assessment of Reduced E-Waste

  • Track decrease in physical servers and electronic devices needed after switching to low-code platforms.

  • Monitor electronic waste generated before and after implementing low-code solutions with e-waste tracking systems.

  • Assess alignment with circular economy principles by examining support for reusing, repairing, and recycling components.

3. Accelerated Development Cycles

Low-code platforms significantly reduce the time required to develop ESG reporting applications, which directly lowers energy consumption and resource use.

By using drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built modules, you can create applications much faster than with traditional coding methods. This quicker development process means less energy is consumed overall, reducing the carbon footprint associated with software development.

By speeding up the creation of ESG tools, you can more efficiently track and improve your sustainability efforts, leading to better environmental management.

Assessment of Accelerated Development Cycles

  • Measure the time taken to develop and deploy applications using low-code platforms vs. traditional coding methods with project management tools.

  • Calculate the reduction in energy and resources used during the development process by tracking energy usage and material consumption.

  • Evaluate overall reduction in environmental footprint by considering decreased resource consumption and faster implementation of sustainability initiatives.

4. Real-Time Data Integration

Real-time data integration is highly valuable for effective ESG reporting because it allows you to monitor and respond to ESG-related metrics quickly and accurately.

With low-code platforms, you can easily integrate real-time data from various sources, ensuring that your sustainability efforts are based on the most current and precise information. This immediate access to data allows you to make timely adjustments to improve sustainability performance, Like reducing energy use or waste production.

Continuous, up-to-date monitoring supports proactive environmental management and enhances your overall sustainability efforts.

Assessment of Real-Time Data Integration

  • Monitor speed and accuracy of collecting and analyzing ESG-related metrics with real-time dashboards and analytics tools.

  • Assess improvements in decision-making and sustainability performance by tracking the timeliness of adjustments made based on real-time data.

  • Measure the impact on energy use and waste production by comparing the frequency and effectiveness of interventions before and after real-time data integration.

5. Automated and Accurate Reporting

Low-code platforms make ESG reporting much easier by using automation, which helps the environment. By automating complex processes, these platforms simplify how you collect and analyze data, speeding up the reporting process and ensuring the reports are accurate.

Automated systems reduce human errors that can occur with manual data handling, providing reliable information about your sustainability performance. For example, automated systems can continuously collect data from various environmental metrics, producing real-time, precise reports on your company’s ESG status.

This accuracy helps you and your stakeholders make better decisions to improve sustainability and reduce environmental impact.

Assessment of Automated and Accurate Reporting

  • Compare the accuracy and reliability of ESG reports generated manually vs. automated processes by conducting audits.

  • Measure reduction in human errors and time saved in report generation by tracking error rates and time spent.

  • Evaluate positive effects on sustainability practices by examining better tracking of environmental metrics and more informed decision-making.

6. Enhanced Scope 3 Emissions Management

Managing Scope 3 emissions, which include indirect emissions from your company’s value chain, is challenging but crucial for full ESG reporting. These emissions can come from sources like supplier activities, product transportation, and waste disposal.

Low-code platforms help manage these emissions by integrating data from different sources, such as third-party suppliers and contractors. This gives you a complete view of your Scope 3 emissions, helping you understand and control them better.

For example, you can gather and analyze data from suppliers to see where most emissions come from. This approach helps you make smart decisions to reduce your carbon footprint, promoting better environmental management and sustainability.

By using low-code platforms, you can effectively track and manage these indirect emissions, supporting overall sustainability goals.

Assessment of Enhanced Scope 3 Emissions Management

  • Track and analyze data from various sources within your value chain, including suppliers and contractors, using supply chain management software.

  • Measure the effectiveness of actions taken to reduce indirect emissions with carbon accounting tools.

  • Assess the overall impact on sustainability goals by evaluating how well you can manage and mitigate Scope 3 emissions using data integration and analysis.

7. Cost and Resource Efficiency

Using low-code platforms for ESG reporting can save you money and help you use your resources more efficiently. These platforms reduce the need for specialized developers, speed up the creation of ESG reporting tools, and lower maintenance costs.

The money you save can be reinvested into sustainability projects, creating more environmental and social benefits. For instance, by saving on development costs, you can allocate more funds to initiatives like renewable energy projects or community programs.

This efficient use of resources helps make your sustainability practices more impactful and cost-effective.

Assessment of Cost and Resource Efficiency

  • Compare expenses and resource usage before and after implementing low-code platforms using financial management software.

  • Measure financial savings and assess reinvestment into sustainability initiatives by monitoring budget allocations and spending.

  • Evaluate enhancement in environmental and social impact by assessing outcomes of reinvested resources and their contribution to overall sustainability goals.

8. Waste Data Management

Effective waste management is key to achieving your sustainability goals, and low-code platforms for ESG reporting can greatly enhance this process. These platforms provide powerful tools to help you visualize and manage waste data effectively.

They enable you to track, analyze, and reduce the amount of waste your company produces. By using low-code platforms, you can implement more effective waste reduction strategies that significantly contribute to your ESG objectives.

For instance, you can monitor waste generation in real time, identify key areas where waste can be reduced, and make informed decisions to improve your waste management practices. This proactive approach leads to a more sustainable operation by reducing environmental impact and promoting efficient resource use.

Assessment of Waste Data Management

  • Monitor reduction in waste generation and improvements in resource efficiency with waste management software.

  • Track the amount of waste produced before and after using low-code platforms for waste data management by maintaining records of waste volumes and types.

  • Evaluate the implementation of waste reduction strategies and their success in achieving ESG objectives by reviewing performance metrics.

  • Assess support for sustainability goals and contribution to a more sustainable operation by conducting regular sustainability audits to measure progress towards waste reduction and resource efficiency goals.


Low-code platforms are crucial for improving ESG reporting by making it more efficient and supporting environmental goals. These platforms show how technology and sustainability can work together, helping you excel in your ESG reporting tasks. By using these tools, you can make significant progress in your sustainability efforts, aligning your business goals with environmental care.

The potential of low-code platforms is clear. They not only make your business operations more efficient but also help you contribute to a greener, more sustainable world. By focusing on efficiency, accuracy, and real-time data management, you can ensure that your ESG reporting truly reflects your sustainability efforts.

About eSystems

eSystems specializes in developing low-code solutions that enhance ESG reporting and sustainability efforts across various industries. By utilizing low-code platforms, we help you streamline your ESG reporting with customizable, secure, and user-friendly applications.

Our low-code development approach allows for rapid deployment and easy customization, ensuring that you can quickly adapt to changing demands and regulatory requirements. With eSystems, you can efficiently capture, manage, and disclose your ESG metrics, making your reporting process more accurate and impactful.

Ready to improve your ESG reporting and sustainability practices? Contact us to access tools designed to enhance data accuracy, streamline reporting processes, and support your environmental and social goals.


How does a serverless architecture benefit low-code development in ESG reporting?

Using a serverless architecture in low-code development minimizes the need for a dedicated data center, reducing energy usage and overall cloud costs. Serverless solutions streamline the flow of data, making app development more energy-efficient and scalable.

How do low-code platforms help address environmental change?

Low-code platforms enable rapid app development, allowing businesses to quickly adapt to environmental change and evolving regulations. By using scalable and energy-efficient solutions, these platforms help companies manage their ESG ratings and sustainability initiatives more effectively.

What are the advantages of using low-code platforms for creating sustainable software?

Low-code platforms facilitate the development of sustainable software by reducing the energy footprint of applications and promoting the efficient use of computing resources. These platforms support the flow of data and scalable app development, ensuring that software solutions are both effective and environmentally friendly.

How do low-code platforms support the life cycle of ESG reporting applications?

Low-code platforms enhance the life cycle of ESG reporting applications by providing scalable, serverless solutions that reduce the need for a traditional data center. This approach minimizes energy usage and cloud costs while ensuring that applications remain adaptable and efficient throughout their life cycle.

Why is vetting third-party tools important in low-code development for ESG reporting?

Vetting third-party tools is crucial in low-code development to ensure they meet suitability standards and integrate seamlessly with ESG reporting applications. This process helps maintain a smooth flow of data, enhances the energy efficiency of the overall solution, and supports compliance with evolving regulations.


Mika Roivainen

Mika brings over 20 years of experience in the IT sector as an entrepreneur – having built several successful IT companies. He has a unique combination of strong technical skills along with an acute knowledge of business efficiency drivers – understanding full well that tomorrow's winning businesses will be the ones that respond fastest and most efficiently to clients' needs. Contact: +358 400 603 436